Changes for 2017

A while ago a friend told me about a craft show in the area, one that I hadn’t heard about before. We happened to see the announcement about it in the paper a few weeks later. We ended up attending the show.
While at the show I inquired about getting a booth/table at the show for the next year. I was told that the current vendors had a chance to renew their booths for the following year until 1pm that afternoon. Wood and I decided that we wanted a table for the following year (2017).
While we browsed the show, we kept an eye out for the kinds of things that the vendors had for sale. We kept prices in mind as well. There were a few higher priced items on offer, but more of the items we looked at were lower, say below $40.
We checked back with the show coordinators around 1pm. We were able to reserve a table. We now needed to plan ahead. After all, products don’t magically make themselves. We started making two lists, one for items Wood can make, the other that will have Thread’s “stamp” on them.
During this process, I have been reviewing the types of products that I have been making for our Etsy store. I like making one of a kind items. It challenges my creativity. However, that can get expensive in terms of (wo)man hours. I decided to make some additional changes to the products that I spend most of my time on.
Some time ago I had woven some fabrics out of cotton, or linen, or cottolin yarns. These fabrics turned into clothing, or curtains, or towels. However, I had left over yardage. The yardage just stayed in my stash for a long time. I decided they would make excellent kitchen towels. A little cutting and hemming, and they were ready for the photo shoot. I have now listed the linen and the cottolin towels. The cotton towels will show up soon. (The kitchen section of my Etsy store is located here.)
I just finished one of my unique tote bags, and am “clearing the decks” for product lines. I will still be sewing, weaving, crocheting, quilting, and perhaps even making some flowers out of ribbon. I plan on keeping you posted.