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Your First Chance to Buy

Our business, Thread and Wood, is now a year old! We, the owners, have learned a lot during this year. We learned how to navigate business license, business tax reporting, setting up an Etsy shop, and lots of other stuff (some fun, some not so).

One of the things we have heard for some time now is that we should have an email list. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time how to apply that to our business. I didn’t want to offer a mailing list just to shove something unwanted into an inbox.

Big announcement!! We now have a mailing list for our shop. I figured out how to make it work someone’s while to sign up. It even offers something that I can imagine someone wanting – exclusive early access to products before the general public.

We call our mailing list "First Chance". No more often than every other week (mostly less often) we send out an email about new items we are about to list in our Etsy store. The email gives details about the items, including price.

If someone on the list would like to purchase an item we will make a Custom Order for them through Etsy, without listing to the general public. This offer is valid for 1 week after the email is sent out. The Custom Order is only available as first come, first served.

The mailing list has three main categories. You can sign up for any or all of them. They include "Kitchen", "Totes Bags and Purses", and "Wood and Glass". If someone only wants to receive notification about "Kitchen" items, for example, we do not send anything about "Totes Bags and Purses".

We irregularly list items that fall into our other categories, and would include them with any of the mailings.

So, how do you sign up? You can email thread [at] or fill out the email form at the very bottom of this (blog post) page. Specify which mailing list or lists you would like to be on. Done!

We look forward to hearing from you.

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