Turned pincushion
Wood has been working in wood for a long time. In the past few years he has been learning about turning wood on a la
the. Many lathe projects involve taking a hunk of wood, putting it on the lathe, and then cutting it down to form a basically round shape.
A second type of wood turning involves taking small pieces of wood that have been cut into specific shapes, then gluing the shapes together to form a ring. The ring of wood, depending on its size, can then be glued onto other rings, and finally attached to the lathe for turning.
Depending on the size of the original wood pieces, this type of wood turning can be called segmented turning or stave turning. The Wood Magazine has a nice article on segmented/stave turning.
My husband, Wood has created several projects using the segmented turning process by now. I, Thread, acquired some of the small segmented pieces and turned them into pincushions.
In creating the pincushions I took a clean can, then laid fabric across it, wrong side up. I shoved pieces of extra quilt batting into the can, pushing the fabric all the way down. (Later I discovered that a teacup would have been better.)
A bit of hot glue later, and I was able to compression fit the cushion into the wood container. Voilà ! A segmented pincushion!
The first of these pincushions (the one below), can be seen at https://www.etsy.com/listing/233520677/pincushion-turned-on-lathe-with-blue