Taking a leap of faith
When I first started working with my coach at my local Small Business Development Center, we made a list of steps I needed to go through to legally start my business. While I could probably get by without going through the legal process, I wanted to be legit.
First on the list was registering my business name in Arizona. This wasn't mandatory, but would reserve the name for me as I got the process going.
Next up were getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN - obtained through the federal government) and an Arizona Transaction Priviledge Tax (TPT). Both of these were fairly easy - online stuff that my coach helped me through.
Last on the list was getting a business license.
I submitted the paperwork on March 26, 2015, and heard back from them on April 13th. Yesterday I went to City Hall and paid my money. We now have a company that can officially do business, and pay taxes, and ...
Next up: adding stock to our online store, linking the store to this site, starting a Pinterest account (no I really didn't have one before), and actually selling stuff!

P.S. I took this photo in Twin Falls, Idaho