Now what am I going to do?
Because I am just starting out in the business world, I haven’t developed a clientele. I started a store on Etsy, and have sold a couple...
Otherwise occupied
While I am building my business I still take some subcontracting jobs from other companies. This coming week I have a paying gig that...
Jackalope Arts
Last week I received an email from one of the founders of Jackalope Arts , a craft fair that is appearing in Phoenix for the first time...
To Etsy or not to Etsy
Etsy is a very large online marketplace. Nope, it's an extremely humongous marketplace. Maybe some years ago when it was just getting...
Summer Sale
We have noted that people are spending time with their families this summer. How do we know? Let's see, there are fewer people at church,...
Setting things up
When I started my business I knew that I could not take just any photos ​of our products. That would just never do! So I browsed Etsy...
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
With all apologies to the reputed quote from Mark Twain, I'll just stick to statistics. The last 30 days I've had my Etsy store open...
The games people play
I have had an Etsy store since the middle of April. In that time I have worked on stocking the store and creating new products. One of...
Reporting fraud / identity theft
I was going to write about something else today, but as the last two days have been busy for me dealing with identity theft, I'll give...
LA Fashion District
Last week I went to Southern California for one of my "regular" jobs. After work finished on Tuesday in Glendale I was scheduled to...
How to get that balance
This whole thing of starting a new business has been interesting. I'm still working on getting the balance right. Perhaps that will...
Sold! WooHoo!
A friend of mine knew that I would be opening a business, and asked me to make a field service bag for her. She is a Jehovah's Witness,...